Yin Yang

Yin Yang Yoga blends two styles of yoga into one practice – bringing together the benefits of passively holding yoga poses with more dynamic sequences and standing postures.


Yin is an internal, passive, cooling and downward practice. It is typically a slower practice where poses are passively held for longer. You can expect to work closer on your mat focusing on the deep, dense (Yin) connective tissues and joints in the body.

In contrast, Yang refers to a more active practice.


Yang is an external, dynamic, warming and upward practice. This part of the class will work on the (Yang) muscles and blood flow, building strength, stamina and flexibility. You can expect to move with rhythm and repetition like a Vinyasa Flow.

In this hybrid class, you can expect to start with a dynamic flow (yang) and ending the last half of class with a sweet and slower movements. Poses will be held longer to relax and calm the nervous system.