riverdale ginger pineapple health recipes juicing juice

Carrot Turmeric* Apple


1 large thumb of fresh ginger

1-2 pieces of fresh turmeric*

3 medium apples (Honey Crisp, Pink Lady, or Fuji)

1 pound of carrots (or 1 large bundle with tops)

Juice of 1⁄2 a lemon

Black Pepper

Option to add extra sweetness or substitute apples for oranges, pineapple


Run all ingredients through your juicer, strain, and enjoy!

Grind some fresh pepper to help the body to absorb turmeric and use it effectively

*Option to turn this recipe into a completely different juice by eliminating the Turmeric and adding 1-2 peeled grapefruits for a more tart carrot juice or 2 passionfruits for a more tropical carrot juice.