Rustic Galette Pastry

What exactly is a galette? It’s not a pie. It’s not a pizza. It has a flakey crust just like a pie AND can be made savoury as you would a pizza. The best of BOTH WORLDS. It’s basically a pizza pie that looks intentionally rustic. That perfectly imperfect edge? Yep, I meant to do that.

Just 4 ingredients. Use any pan you have: pizza, pie or standard baking sheet. And parchment paper.

No decorating skills are required here.

I promise ya.

Prep the galette pastry

  1. Whisk flour, salt, pepper (or sugar).

  2. Cube the butter evenly and pop it into the freezer (for 10 minutes or longer, its okay if you forget about it)

  3. Toss frozen butter with flour mixture and add 1/3 cup of ice water until moistened. I add a little at a time to see how wet the pastry gets. If still too dry, add 1 tsp of water at a time.

  4. Knead gently until it comes together. PLEASE do not over mix or blend. You want the small chunks of butter to essentially stay as small chunks. If you wanna get fancy, you can knead your dough into a rectangle or circle, fold and repeat 3-5 times. This will help layer the pastry and help it get nice and flakey.

  5. Roll out roughly into desired shape*. Wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour before loading your filling. Preheat oven to 450°F.

    *You can also store in your freezer to use at a later date. When you are ready to bake, take it out to room temp until soft enough to roll out.

  6. See sweet and savoury fillings

  7. Roll out dough exactly to your desired shape. I like to roll it fairly thin around the edges as that will be the part that you roll into the centre of your galette. If your rolling pin gets a little sticky, throw some flour onto it and get rolling. You can also roll your dough on top of your baking sheet that you can place right on your baking sheet.

  8. Spread filling into dough, fold pastry dough over the filling around the edges or fold all the way to centre. Pinch the overlapping edges together to form a nice seal. Depends how wide of a diameter you’d like and how much crust you want/need to match your filling ratio.

  9. Bake for 30-35 mins. Crust should be slightly browned and absence of translucent dough. Take out of oven to cool, enjoy after 15 minutes!!

Main ingredients:

1 1/4 cup of all purpose flour

1/2 cup of unsalted butter

1/3 cup of ice water

3/4 tsp salt

Sweet: add 1 tbs of sugar

Savoury: add 3/4 tsp (or more) of black pepper



  • 3-4 peaches, apples (basically ~3 cups fruit)

  • 1/4 cup sugar

  • 1 tbs flour

  • 1/2 - 1 tsp of cinnamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla

  • 1/2 tbs of butter (cut up in tiny chunks)


  1. Cut up fruit thinly

  2. Mix sugar, flour, cinnamon, vanilla into bowl or fruit. Mix evenly. Make sure to drain any excess liquid from the fruit

  3. Place filling in galette. Fold galette pastry to centre. Sprinkle chunks of butter all over galette

  4. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Enjoy!



  • 3 cups of squash (or carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, mushrooms etc)

  • 1 red onion slivered

  • 1/4 cup of olive oil

  • 2 tsp of curry (optional, I love it)

  • 1 tsp salt & pepper (or to taste)

  • 1/2 cup sour cream

  • 1/2 cup of parmesan cheese (or manchego, pecorino)


  1. Preheat oven to 425°F

  2. Roast veggies & onion for about 15 minutes. Take out to cool and increase temp to 450°F

  3. Spread sour cream, cheese and then squash mixture. Then repeat with another layer

  4. Fold pastry to centre

  5. Bake 30-35 minutes. Shred more cheese to serve. Enjoy!